Monday, 22 December 2008

Jesus is brought to Glastonbury by Joseph of Avalon

Jesus is brought to Glastonbury by grand Uncle Joseph of Avalon where he would receive the best education in the world. Joseph used the regular shipping routes of the time.

‘The Voyages of Joseph of Avalon’ serves up an exciting true adventure of the twelve year old Jesus’ voyage with his great Uncle Joseph and his son Adnam, on one of his round trips, from Judea to England. Jesus and his cousin Adnam are to be sent to the reputable Glastonbury College of Druidism in the west coast of Britain. Here, they will receive the best education in the world.

Joseph was a wealthy Master Mariner who had, at some undetermined point, taken over the running of his elder brother Joachim’s (the father of Holy Mary) vessel and with it, control of the family business. He bought, sold and bartered luxury goods and ferrous and non-ferrous metals and ores essential to the Rome war machine.

We gain an insight into the feeling of Jesus’ parents over their sons impending trip. We are privy to the special preparations they took to bless Jesus for his journey.

An impelling adventure follows in which Joseph and the boys travel to many trading ports, using the regular shipping routes of the time: Joppa to Cyprus to Rhodes, Greece onto Italy, France, round the straits into Spain and across to the West coast of Britain.

We learn that Druid teaching was so well reputed, that Kings, rulers and wealthy families around the known world sent their eldest children to study at Druidic schools. The system of study in place in Druid schools lasted for up to fifteen years to qualify for higher positions, such as Druid High Priest and High Priestess.

Prior to their deliverance to the Druid school in a smaller vessel known as a ‘Tin’ ship, we learn that the boys meet with members of Joseph’s extended family and deliver marble cups, chalices and bowls carved on foot peddle lathes to the relatives’ smelters. We gain an insight into a prosperous Cornwall - how its wealth was created through more than just mining and smelting.

We are swept up in their travels right until the last moment, when the final trip on the agenda takes the boys to the Druid school where they are to be students for the next fifteen years.

The outcome of the fifteen years of study is touched upon in ‘The Voyages of Joseph of Avalon’. We learn of Jesus’ intention to do good with his powers and spread love among the people, by returning home to his people. Touchingly, this book has its only portrait of Jesus. The rest, of course, is history.

Ronald Rayner's Fascinating Book 'The
Voyages of Joseph of Avalon,
The boy Jesus and the Crystal Skull' is available to buy in paperback now from or from

Joseph of Avalon returns to Glastonbury in AD38

Joseph of Avalon returns to Glastonbury in AD38 to build the first Christian church in the world outside of Jerusalem. Britain was safe for Christians and visiting disciples of Jesus because the Romans did not invade until AD45.

‘The Voyages of Joseph of Avalon’ offers a true and compelling account of Joseph of Avalon’s return to Glastonbury in AD 38 to build the first Christian church in the world, outside of Jerusalem.

We learn that Joseph was forced to flee from Jerusalem in his sailing ships shortly after the Crucifixion of his great nephew Jesus, when suspicion arose that there would be problems when Nero became Emperor.

As suspected, when Emperor Nero (AD 37-69) was informed that Jesus was seen three days after his Crucifixion and that the news was spreading through Jerusalem, he went crazy. He ordered everyone connected with the Crucifixion to be arrested and questioned (his name for torture). This, of course, included Joseph, a Minister of Mines.

Fortunately, Joseph had been tipped off by contacts in Rome and hastily fled in his ship from the Port of Joppa. Accompanying him were the Disciples Lazarus, Mary, Martha, Marcella and Maximin.

Ronald Rayner, the author of ‘The Voyage of Joseph of Avalon’ offers us research which gives irrefutable proof that Joseph settled with his extended family in Glastonbury, before proceeding in peace with his plan to set up the first Christian Church outside Jerusalem. His research also reveals that Disciples were subsequently able to visit the church when making their regular round trips to Britain, on Joseph’s fleet of ships.

We learn with satisfying detail, the dimension and physicality of the church. sixty feet in length by twenty six feet in breadth, it was built of timber pillars and framework doubly wattled inside and out, and thatched with straw. We are informed that there were certain essentials to every temple, as dictated by the Druidic faith, to which Joseph of Avalon adhered. The temple had to be circular; it had to be roofless and open at the sides and its materials had to be monoliths: vast single stones, untouched by metal.

Britain proved to be a safe haven for Joseph of Avalon during the construction of the first Christian church outside Jerusalem and subsequently for Christians and visiting Disciples of Jesus. The Romans were not to invade for another seven years, in AD 45.

‘The Voyages of Joseph of Avalon’ offers us an accessible and riveting insight into the reality that the church in Glastonbury, was indeed built by Joseph of Avalon in AD 38. It was, we learn, to become the thriving centre and mother of Christianity in Britain, and the world.

Ronald Rayner's Fascinating Book 'The Voyages of Joseph of Avalon, The boy Jesus and the Crystal Skull' is available to buy in paperback now from or from Amazon.